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Fix your Shit

We’re all after some degree of success – whether it’s getting that job, money or ideal partner. And the key to winning in life is being mentally strong enough to handle the shit that life throws at you so you can pursue your full potential.

It’s high time for change:

The realm of men’s mental health is experiencing a renaissance, and we’re proud to be on the frontier of change. For too long mental health for guys has been: A) far too stigmatized to discuss openly, and B) a casualty of staid, boring and ineffective treatments.

Mental Athletics

Throughout human evolution, men have supported each other in groups to gain a survival advantage. In other words, isolation meant death and there was strength in numbers when it came time to hunt wild animals or fight off rival tribes.

Overcome return to work anxiety

Millions of years ago, humans weren’t considering what returning to work would look like after a pandemic. Instead of worrying about the cleanliness of the workplace, how to nail that client meeting in-person, and whether they can still juggle that work-life balance, the paleolithics were focused on hunting and gathering food while surviving the occasional animal or opposing tribe attack.

WTF is talk therapy

WTF is talk therapy and why do I need it?

Can talking to an empathetic human once a week change your life? You bet your ass it can. We’ve seen it happen. Here’s how.

Your thoughts are lying to you

How CBT can change these patterns

Our experience of life is greatly determined by our core beliefs. These fundamental building blocks have the power to skew our understanding of what happens to us towards predictable conclusions.

How to protect your mental health this holiday season

How to protect your mental health this holiday season

Is this really the most wonderful time of the year? The head of the British Royal College of GPs Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard said that if Santa was her patient, she’d consider diagnosing him with alcoholism, work-related stress, gout, and sleep deprivation. What about the rest of us?