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Author name: Manifest.me1

Man’s tendency to avoid conflict

Some of us deny our anger to avoid upsetting or offending others. And while deception is sometimes necessary to avoid getting into an argument, when it becomes a refusal to admit our feelings at the expense of someone else, it becomes passive aggressive behaviour.

Mood Disorders are treatable

A mood is a temporary feeling. A mood disorder is when moods of sadness or joy get stuck, last for long periods, don’t appropriately match your circumstances, and impede your ability to function. Specifically, “mood disorder” is a catch-all category to describe types of depression and bipolar disorders that affect how you think about yourself, others, and life in general.

Why domestic violence is a men’s issue

Celebrities like Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, a self-proclaimed recovering bully, and actor Patrick Stewart, who came from an abusive home, are coming forward to talk about domestic violence and the devastation it wreaks on partnerships and families.

Decoding the father-son relationship

As Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader will attest, the father son relationship is complex. For most of us, our relationships with our Dads don’t involve a history of deception and having our hands severed. Still, for many of us, fatherhood is mired in a long history of stereotypes that no longer serve us.

No good deed goes unpunished

Since the beginning of civilization, humans have organized themselves in groups of like-minded individuals helping others while fighting wild animals and winning wars. So, it’s in our DNA to organize ourselves into tribes – families, friends, hockey teams – to have some fun and look out for each other. And in today’s world, having someone’s back also means helping someone who is struggling with their mental health.

Anger: The canary in the coal mine

The phrase “the canary in the coal mine” originated from the early 1900s when miners would bring caged canaries into coal mines to alert them when toxic gases like carbon monoxide were collecting. The canary’s early warning signal allowed the miners to escape impending danger. Your anger is that canary.

Mental agility: Turn trials into triumph

Seismic-shifting events happening right now that are changing many lives and impacting our mental agility. The question is, are you able to turn the obstacles you’re facing into favourable circumstances? Or are you only seeing the negative, letting shit overwhelm you and beat you down? Regardless of what 2020 has thrown our way so far, there will always be hardships in life and having the mental agility to find the opportunity in every crisis will enable you to succeed.

Live in high function

At Manifest, we define someone with high function as a person who achieves both their internal goals (being your best self) and external goals (living your best life) by maintaining a healthy state of mind and employing the right mental skills.

What Gets Measured Gets Done

Report cards, performance appraisals, 360 reviews…from a young age, we are conditioned to measure our efforts. And you know what? It works. Measuring keeps us accountable and focused. Also, guys love measuring stuff (and we don’t mean pulling out the tape measure to build a shed or compare the length of various body parts). We mean guys’ practical nature makes us naturally responsive to stats, numbers, data, and graphs. Performance metrics gives us the information we need to improve and succeed.

How to establish good habits and break bad ones

Since ancient Babylon, the ringing in of a new year has been associated with the practice of setting resolutions to improve our lives by offering sacrifices and promising good behaviour in the future. In theory, it’s a good practice to check in with ourselves and set intentions about the life we want in the upcoming year – except so many of us fail. But why is that? It’s all about habits.